Alex-Paras NeedleArts
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The cost of threads is not included with canvases. Change thread selection as desired for an additional charge.
Christmas Sailboat
Boy Elf on the Shelf
Girl Elf on the Shelf
Christmas in London Taxi
Christmas Cab
Buffalo Plaid Pick-up
(includes stitch guide)
Christmas Candles
(includes stitch guide)
Ice Skates on Door
Hopeful - Girl on Stairs
Village House
Village Skaters
Peace on Earth Dove
Madonna & Child
Jingle Bells Square
Holy Night
Merry Tree
Present Tag
(includes stitch guide)
Penguin Tag
(includes stitch guide)
Books and Tree
Bug Car - Red
Christmas Taxi Cab
Bug Car - Green
Hope - Advent Candle
Joy - Advent Candle
Love - Advent Candle
Peace Candle
Double Chair
Toy Soldier
Green Monster Emoji
(includes stitch guide)
Holiday Bubble Lights
Christmas Lighthouse
Fair Isle Snowflake
Vintage Skates Stamp
FedEx Christmas Truck
UPS Christmas Truck
Gifts Star
Mail Delivery Christmas Truck
Christmas Tree Polar Girl
VW Bug with Gifts
Mini Christmas
Mini Monopoly
Bucket Loader with Ornament
Christmas Tandem Bike
Apres Ski Club
Spotted Gift Ornament
Christmas Russian Doll
Hair Stylist Candy Cane
O Christmas Tree Bell
Orange Cinnamon Oval
Christmas Stockings on a String
(includes stitch guide)
Destination Dallas Boot
(includes stitch guide)
Row of Candles
(includes stitch guide)
Elf Surveillance
Gnome w/ Snowflake Hat
Gnome w/ Dotted Hat
San Francisco Ornament
New York Motifs
Boston Motifs
Christmas in London Telephone Box
Nantucket Travel Round
Joy & Tree
All Is Calm
Gingerbread Star
Fa La La
(includes stitch guide)
Red Present
Tacky Vest
(includes stitch guide)
Angel Holly
(includes stitch guide)
Naughty Or Nice
White Shaker House
Red Shaker House
Racing Sailboats Bauble
Winter Square
Drummer Boy
Sled with Wreath
Merry Merry Merry
Nantucket Basket w/ Holly and Ribbon
Ornaments & Holly Gift Tag
Bags Of Presents
Child In Bed
Chubby Elf
Love Tag
(includes stitch guide)
Rosenthal Wiseman, center
Rosenthal Wise Man, left
Rosenthal Wise Man, right
High Decorations
Sugar Plums Danced
Children Nestled...
A Partridge in a Pear Tree
One Snow Globe Santa Smiling
(includes stitch guide)
Our 1st Christmas As Mr & Mrs
Alex-Paras NeedleArts
© 2008-2025 Thistle Needleworks, Inc. All rights reserved.