Alex-Paras NeedleArts

Coronet Braid #16, White PearlCoronet Braid #16, White Pearl

© Rainbow Gallery

7 Yards / 6.4 Meters.

Coronet Braid metallic comes in three different sizes: #4, #8 and #16. This is a direct substitute for the discontinued Christopher or La Lame smooth braids. The size #4 has four individual threads and replaces the La Lame size 11/4 and Christopher size 2B. Size #8 has eight threads and replaces La Lame size 11/2 and Christopher 11/2. Size #16 has sixteen threads and is the same size as La Lame 1 and Christopher 1. All sizes are sturdy enough to pass through the canvas and can be used for tent stitches. Coronet Braid is made with the metallic part tightly wrapped around a rayon core. This is not just a filament that is braided. Thus, unlike other braids, none of the core shows through. Its stitched appearance has the richness of real metal thread. When stitching come straight up and straight down as you do not want to cause wear on the thread from dragging it at an angle through the canvas. This is a great fiber to use for outlining and bends rather well around curved shapes. All sizes are excellent for couching.

Size #4: Cross Stitch 11 to 18 count, congress cloth and all couching.

Size #8: 18 to 24 count and all couching.

Size #16: 12 to 14 count and all couching.

Coronet Braid #16, White Pearl

Alex-Paras NeedleArts  © 2008-2025 Thistle Needleworks, Inc.  All rights reserved.